Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hello again,

Thanks so much for coming.

As I am getting ready to go to our company convention in St. Louis, I have been thinking about why I am so committed to the company and to the concept of Network Marketing.

I know that a lot of people confuse Network Marketing with pyramid schemes, and they are correct to avoid pyramid schemes, but there is actually a world of difference between the two.

So many important things are happening in the world today that I have realized how important it is to share my love for this industry and why I do love it.

7 Facts About Network Marketing?

In just the last 5 seconds...just since you started reading this section…4 more people started a Network Marketing business!

The industry is growing so fast...some experts predict that nearly 150 million people will soon be involved in Network Marketing!

Did you know that every 8 seconds, a Baby-Boomer turns 50?

And...did you know that these people have 50% of the spending power of our economy?

Right now, they’re buying products to help them live longer...lose weight...feel better...look better...and have more the tune of $300 Billion every year! Plus...according to respected economist Paul Zane Pilzer...Wellness Products and Services are going to explode to A TRILLION DOLLAR industry by 2010!

There are predictions that in the not so distant future, more than 90% of goods and services will be moved through network marketing companies. Already, most people have bought products from one or more of them.

I have read and listened to a lot of pretty smart people like Warren Buffet, Robert Kyosaki, and Paul Zane Pilzer.

It’s the hottest way to make money...working from the comfort of your own home! Robert Kyosaki, author of the insanely-successful “Rich Dad” a huge promoter of Network Marketing!

Over and over they stress that in today’s economy, everyone needs to have a failsafe financial “Plan B” to protect themselves from the fluctuations that occur. Another reason is that if we don’t have a home based business that we can use to offset the taxes from our paychecks, we will see our income erode more and more over the years. Respected economists are predicting that Network Marketing is going to be the “next wave of entrepreneurial explosion worldwide!” And, if that isn’t enough...the industry is projected to grow to nearly $500 Billion a year by 2010!

I have never seen this need as clearly as I do now. As the “Baby Boomers”, the “Gen Xers”, and now, the “Gen Y’ers” are aging or coming of age, they are realizing that they want more out of life than working for 40 years just to make a living with no chance to “make a life”

This group wants to maintain their health and their youth and they are willing to pay the price for doing that as long as they get top value for their dollars.

A quality, legitimate home based network marketing business offers everyone a way to have both financial and time freedom and still uphold their values. No selling out to Corporate America for a pipe dream!

I know it has worked well for Al and for me! We have the luxury of working where we choose, (working in my robe is the norm for me (I just don’t turn on my webcam before I’m dressed J). We work when we choose, (getting up at 9 am is a frequent occurrence), and… with whom we choose. We do not have to accept someone just because he or she shows up. We get to learn about them and they learn about us before we each decide if we are a good fit and match.

With facts like this, it’s no wonder that multi-billionaires like Roger Barnett, Warren Buffet and Donald Trump are starting or buying Network Marketing companies! The truth is...Network Marketing is the smart way to go – and it would be smart to at least evaluate it right now even if this isn’t a good time for you to get started!

I have been asked many times how to know which Network Marketing companies are for real and which is the best.

That’s a great question! When I realize that Roger Barnett spent 5 years – and $20 Million – to find the answer to that, I find it mind boggling!

I can’t even imagine how thorough he must have been to spend that kind of time and money just researching to find the best company.

He wanted to know what industries were in the front of the growth curve, and the first one was the wellness industry. He wanted to know what segment of the industry would have the greatest growth potential and that turned out to be a few segments, nutrition, weight, environmental products, skin care and beauty products.

He researched over 70 different companies evaluating their products, their mix, the marketing plans, and most especially their scientific qualifications to produce the products.

What Roger found is ...The Company That Virtually Invented The
Coming Trillion-Dollar Wellness Industry…Shaklee!

That’s right, he found the company that virtually invented this industry over 50 years ago. Shaklee was the very first natural wellness company in America.

The company Roger spent 5 years – and $20 Million – the same company that virtually invented this industry 50 years ago!

I figure that after spending all that time and money searching, if there had been a better company, anywhere out there, he would have bought it instead of Shaklee.

To get a brief overview of who and what we are, and to enter the no obligation drawing for $200 worth of Shaklee products free, go to

There you will find several very short, (4 - 5 min.) videos and some great information. Please be sure to let me know you were there and be assured that I am the one who will get your info and you will not be getting jillions of unwanted emails...PROMISE!

Feel free to forward this to anyone who may be able to benefit from it.

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